Course Overview

    1. Meet Your Instructors

    2. Course Overview: How it Works

    3. Navigating the Course Player

    4. Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

    5. How to Submit Assignments

    6. Help!

    7. Before we begin...

    1. A Glorious Future

    2. Every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue

    3. Chapter 1 | Reflection

    4. Not There Yet

    5. Chapter 1 | Assignment

    6. Missions Exists Because Worship Doesn’t

    7. 3.2 Billion Reasons

    8. Chapter 1 | Wrap Up

    1. Exploring Barriers

    2. Chapter 2 | Start Your Prayer Journey and Learn About The Unreached

    3. Spiritual Barriers: Yemen

    4. Natural Barriers: Nepal

    5. Political Barriers: North Korea

    6. Development Barriers: Somalia

    7. Social Barriers: Afghanistan

    8. Chapter 2 | Assignment

    9. Chapter 2 | Activity: Discover the Urgent Spiritual and Physical Needs of Countries

    1. A God Of Global Purpose

    2. In The Beginning

    3. Abraham

    4. The Old Testament

    5. Chapter 3 | Reflection

    6. Savior Of The World

    7. The Great Commission

    8. Case Studies: Judson and Carmichael

    9. Go Deeper: Listen To The Story of God

    10. Chapter 3 | Wrap Up

    1. The SPARK God Calls Us To Be

    2. Supporting Missions: Practical Ways to Make an Impact

    3. Prayer: A First Response, Not a Last Resort

    4. Accept: Welcoming Foreigners

    5. Reach Out: Serving on the Field

    6. Kindle: Igniting Passion for the Unreached

    7. Chapter 4 | Assignment

    8. Chapter 4 | Reflection

    9. Chapter 4 | Wrap Up

    1. Conclusion | Final Assignment

    2. Course Evaluation

    3. Additional Resources and Next Steps

  • $39.00
  • Approx. 4 hours (1 hour bi-weekly format)
  • Engage in discussions
  • Assignments each chapter to deepen your learning

Suggested Course Pacing

How to get the most out of this course

  • Bi-Weekly Release

    This course is formatted for one chapter to be released every two weeks. Each chapter will require a time commitment of about 1 hour and include an assignment to submit for feedback. Devoting time to devote to the course assignments will help you implement your learning for long-lasting impact.

  • Engage with Facilitator

    By following the pacing sequence of completing one chapter every other week, you can ensure to get timely feedback from your course facilitator. This engagement will enhance your ability to achieve the desired learning outcomes and assist you in staying engaged with the material.

Course Facilitators

Who will you be learning with?

Global Education Director, Touch the World Scott R., Ph.D.

Raised in New York City, Scott is the son of urban church planters and the grandson of missionaries. He has lived and served in the Horn of Africa and Northern India in community development, and has twenty years experience teaching Intercultural Studies. His Ph.D. dissertation explores intercultural team effectiveness. Scott has traveled with and trained hundreds of students around the world, many of whom have since committed themselves to vocational cross-cultural ministry. He is an elder at his church and is a licensed worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Mobilization Director, TRIAD Eddie L.

Eddie has over 20 years of cross-cultural ministry and leadership experience across Asia, the UK, and the USA. As the Director of Mobilization at TRIAD, he leads initiatives to engage local churches in global missions. He authored AWAKEN: God's Heart for the Nations and developed Empower, a discipleship and missions training program in Armenia. Eddie’s international work includes equipping over 1,000 participants for service in 50+ mission trips across Asia. Additionally, he has collaborated with churches, mission agencies, and Christian colleges worldwide, serving as an adjunct professor of theology in Southern California.

Ready to Explore UPGs?

This course is designed to help you understand some fundamentals about Unreached People Groups (UPG's) and increase your ability to engage and support ministries serving these communities. Explore compelling content regarding the peoples of the earth. Your course facilitators will be a great resource because of their depth of experience! They will also clarify what you are learning and provide you with input on assignments you will complete and discussions in which you will participate.