Course Outline

    1. Meet Your Instructor

    2. Intro Survey

    1. Acts 1:8

    2. The Spheres of Influence

    3. Engaging Here

    4. Engaging Near

    5. Engaging Far

    1. What did you learn?

    2. Action Steps

    3. PDF Resource

    4. Before you go...

About this course

  • Free
  • 11 lessons
  • Approx 15 mins

Your Instructor

Training & Curriculum Coordinator Andrea Kroeze

Andrea loves all things cozy: mugs filled with warm drinks, blankets and books. She is usually found organizing, creating a system, decorating her home, being a mom to 3 kids, or stretching her mind through a book or podcast. With 5 years experience living overseas in Uganda, Africa, Andrea's passion is equipping and training students in cultural understanding and preparing them for a life of mission.

Live on Mission

Are you ready to learn what God has called you to and where He has equipped you to live out His mission in the world? Take this course for practical application for your daily life as a follower of Christ.