What does a Short-Term Missions Team need to be trained in before they go?

Not all STM Trips are created equal. Training makes the difference.

Learn from our 30+ years of experience in participating, leading, training and even hosting STM teams! Our curriculum has proven to produce teams with greater personal transformation, while being sure never to use the trip at the expense of the community they intend to serve. Incorporate best practices in mission to ensure your trip will actually help and will prepare your participants not only for the trip but for lifelong discipleship.

What's Included in This Course?

Move through this course at your own pace, gleaning from previous LIVE lessons that introduced the most essential elements to include in your pre-trip training program for short-term missions.

  • Video Lessons

    Replay three video lessons (approximately 30 minutes each) that are packed full of helpful ideas of what needs to be a part of your own missions trip training curriculum. Benefit from hearing our trainer's 20+ years of experience of participating, leading, hosting and sending STM teams.

  • Downloadable Resources

    Each video lesson is accompanied with a crazy amount of downloadable resources that you can refer to for your own independent learning and is chock-full of practical tools you can start integrating into your current missions training programs right away!

  • Guided Reflection

    Utilize the guided reflection questions at the end of each video lesson to assess your current program and to create action steps for how you can improve—for the purposes of making your teams more effective and helpful to your ministry partners but also for deeper transformation in the lives of your trip participants!

  • Personalized Coaching

    Included in this cohort will be an optional 30 minute individual leader or team coaching call to discuss the obstacles and opportunities for your specific missions context. Strategize how to implement more training into your current STM program and discuss how to implement The Missions Academy into your requirements to better prepare your teams.

  • Bonuses & Gifts

    Who doesn't like a BONUS!? By enrolling in this course, you will receive access to 2 additional mini-courses built into this course that review Core Mission Principles and Short-Term Mission Case Studies that you can implement into your training curriculum. You will also receive a special coupon code that can be applied to enrollment in our most popular Masterclass.

Course Overview

    1. Welcome!

    2. READ FIRST: Trainer Cohort Overview

    3. Navigating the Course Player

    4. Discussion Tab & Introductions

    5. Schedule an Individual Coaching Session

    1. Replay Live Course #1: Paradigms in Short-Term Missions

    2. Resources from Live Replay #1: Paradigms

    3. Unit 1 | Reflect & Respond

    1. Replay of Live Course #2: Principles & Postures in Short-Term Missions

    2. Resources from Live Replay #2: Principles & Postures

    3. Unit 2 | Reflect & Respond

    1. Principle #1: Mission is a Lifestyle

    2. Principle #2: God is Already There

    3. Principle #3: Do With, Not For

    4. Principle #4: Poverty is Brokenness

    5. Principle #5: Empathy in Culture

    6. Principle #6: Ask Before Assume

    7. Principle #7: Partnership Matters

    8. Principle #8: Training is Essential

    9. Example of Mission Principles in Action

    10. Download PDF

    1. Replay of Live Course #3: Practices in Short-Term Missions

    2. Unit 3 | Reflect & Respond

    3. Resources from Live Replay #3: Practices

    1. Why Case Studies?

    2. Case Study #1: Bubba Does Central Asia

    3. Consider This...

    4. Case Study #2: Crossing the Border

    5. Consider This...

    6. Case Study #3: The Neon Team

    7. Consider This...

    8. Case Study #4: The Researchers

    9. Consider This...

    10. Personal Application

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 38 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • Downloadable Resources
  • Discussion Boards
  • 30-minute coaching call

Save $ By Enrolling in the Self-Paced Replay Course

Much of the same content as our live cohort sessions but move at your own pace. Even though this is not a live course, you will still receive "real-time" feedback from one of our instructors.

Meet Your Cohort Instructor

Training & Curriculum Coordinator Andrea Kroeze

Andrea loves all things cozy: mugs filled with warm drinks, blankets and books. She is usually found organizing, creating a system, decorating her home, being a mom to 3 kids, or stretching her mind through a book or podcast. With 5 years experience living overseas in Uganda, Africa, Andrea's passion is equipping and training students in cultural understanding and preparing them for a life of mission.

Join Us in Our Mission to Prepare STM Teams Well - For the Trip & Beyond!

Learn together in a community and receive real-time feedback from the team of experienced STM Leaders from The Missions Academy.

You may be wondering...

  • How much time will I need to invest in this course?

    There are total of 3 main Units in this course. Each unit includes an approximately 30 minute video and then a list of downloadable resources to review, as well as ample reflection questions and prompts. We suggest aloting 30-60 minutes for each unit.

  • Is this training also for team members and participants?

    No. This STM Trainer Cohort is specifically designed for the Missions Pastor/Coordinator for a group (church or organization). It will help provide the framework for developing a training program for your current or future teams and expose you to the resources available from The Missions Academy that you could incorporate into your program.

  • Is there a discount if I have multiple people from the same church/organization who want to join and learn together?

    Sure! Learning together is a great way to be sure you will actually apply the new knowledge into your existing programs. Contact [email protected] to get information on registering more than 1 person from your team into this course.

  • Is there any commitment to purchase courses after this course?

    Nope. We want to equip you to prepare your teams to serve well and our curriculum is for that purpose. Of course, there is opportunity to incorporate TMA courses and resources if you think it will work in your context. Otherwise, you will walk away with a list of tangible resources and ideas to build into your own training program. We only ask that you properly recognize where your materials have been sourced from if you use them in the future.