Why is this course essential?

  • Claim Your Identity

    To be a change agent in the world requires first understanding who you are and who others are: a creation reflecting the Creator.

  • Get a Global Viewpoint

    To be involved in missions work, we must move past a myopic view of God's Church to embrace the global scope of how God is moving in the world.

  • Put Love Into Action

    A desire to love is not always expressed as love. Equip yourself with tools—especially if entering a new culture—so that love can be tangibly experienced by others.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome | Week 4

    2. Download Notes Worksheet

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Introduction

    2. Brainstorm

    3. What is Culture?

    4. Cultural Icebergs

    1. Common Cross-Cultural Mistakes

    2. Reflect

    3. Danger of a Single Story

    4. Common Cross-Cultural Mistakes, Part 2

    5. Response

    6. Desire into Ability to Love

    1. Cultural Values

    2. Assignment #1: Cultural Phrases

    3. Cultural Examples Video

    4. Finding Common Ground

    5. Assignment #2: Cultural Values Worksheet

    1. Principle #1

    2. It's Not Wrong, Just Different

    3. Principle #2

    4. Questions to Ask Your Ministry Host

    5. Principle #3

    6. Be a Good Guest

    7. Chapter 4 Quiz

    1. Your Action Step

    2. Resources for You to Keep Growing

About this course

  • Free
  • 27 lessons
  • Approx 1 hr

Course Instructor

Training & Curriculum Coordinator Andrea Kroeze

Andrea loves all things cozy: mugs filled with warm drinks, blankets and books. She is usually found organizing, creating a system, decorating her home, being a mom to 3 kids, or stretching her mind through a book or podcast. With 5 years experience living overseas in Uganda, Africa, Andrea's passion is equipping and training students in cultural understanding and preparing them for a life of mission.

Why should I take this course?

Our cultural upbringing greatly shapes our view of ourselves and others. This course will make you aware of your own cultural values so that you can be open to embracing differences you may experience in your cross-cultural service.

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30+ Years of Expertise

Where does this training come from?

Touch the World has been training and equipping short-term mission teams to serve around the world for over 30 years. The Missions Academy is a reflection of Touch the World's in-person training in an online format to access anytime, from anywhere. This course, "Key Principles for Cross-Cultural Interaction" is a core component of Touch the World's expert training to prepare short-term mission team members or anyone looking to engage cross-culturally for culturally sensitive, compassionate and effective mission.