Learn to serve with cultural humility

  • Know Who You Are

    To be a change agent in the world, you must first understand who you are and who others are: a creation reflecting the Creator. Then, to begin understanding culture, you must identify how your own cultural context has shaped you.

  • Develop a Global Viewpoint

    To be involved in missions work, we must move past a myopic view of God's Church to embrace the global scope of how God is moving in the world. This collection of courses will provide you with a well-rounded perspective.

  • Put Love Into Action

    A desire to love is not always expressed as love. Equip yourself with tools— especially if entering a new culture— so that love can be tangibly experienced by others. Taken together, these courses will help you build cultural competence that you can put into action through cultural humility.

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Course Instructors

Who will you learn from?

Training & Curriculum Coordinator Andrea Kroeze

Andrea loves all things cozy: mugs filled with warm drinks, blankets and books. She is usually found organizing, creating a system, decorating her home, being a mom to 3 kids, or stretching her mind through a book or podcast. With 5 years experience living overseas in Uganda, Africa, Andrea's passion is equipping and training students in cultural understanding and preparing them for a life of mission.

Creative & Content Coordinator Abby Provencher

My name is Abby Provencher and I am a staff member at Touch the World. When I’m not working on devotional journals or resources for our short-term mission teams, I am likely to be found reading books and studying history—specifically, church history one of my favorite subjects. I’m passionate about stories, both our stories and the story of God’s mission throughout the world. My experiences as a short-term missions participant, team leader, intern, and now staff member at Touch the World have provided me with numerous lessons that now I get to share with you. So let’s get to it!

Why is learning about culture necessary?

The impacts of globalization now provide opportunities for cross-cultural engagements all around us on a daily basis.  You don't have to be preparing for a short-term mission trip to cross paths with someone different from you.  As you grow in your desire to share the love of Jesus to those around you, equip yourself with both cultural competency and cultural humility to be able to tangibly express that love to those you meet every day.